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The Hidden Trauma: The Emotional Impact of Surviving Breast Cancer

Breast cancer has had a profound emotional impact on many, both during and after your treatments. In this blog post, we want to discuss the hidden trauma that often accompanies surviving breast cancer. We will also discuss the treatments for depression, including ketamine therapy.

Breast cancer is not just a physical disease but also an emotional one. The trauma of diagnosis, treatment, and even survivorship can be overwhelming. For me, the most challenging part was watching my body change during chemotherapy. Some will lose their hair, my breasts, and much of my self-confidence. It was a difficult time, but some are lucky enough to have the support of my family and friends.

After finishing treatment, many think that the most challenging part is over. But as soon as you realize that the emotional impact of breast cancer can last a lifetime, things may change. You may struggle with depression and anxiety, and it was hard to find treatments that worked for you. Ketamine therapy has been a lifesaver for many, and we hope that by sharing this information, we can help others who are struggling with the emotional aftermath of breast cancer.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, please reach out for help. There are many resources available, and no one has to suffer alone. Breast cancer may have changed your life, but it does not have to define you. Many survivors and people are living their lives to the fullest.

Studies out there evaluate whether the preemptive use of ketamine controls postoperative pain in female patients undergoing breast cancer surgery.

Under the careful supervision of a medical doctor, the off-label use of ketamine can also provide immediate relief to people at risk for suicide due to depression and for others frustrated with attempts to combat depression.

Sadly, many cancer patients develop depression and struggle to find emotional support after their diagnosis. A recent study indicates breast survivors have a 37% higher risk of committing suicide, which can be attributed at least 25 years following treatment for this deadly disease!

How common is suicide in cancer patients?

When people go through difficult times in their lives, such as fighting cancer or recovering from a severe injury, they feel like there is no other option left but to end it all. When this happens too often, then suicide rates among these patient populations will likely be much higher than what has been documented so far, which can range anywhere between twofold upwards depending on the type of disease, location within the body, etcetera.

What is the most common cause of death in breast cancer patients?

 The most common cause of death was a metastatic disease to various organs, accounting for 42% of all deaths. Infection was the second most common cause of death; however, only 27% of the infected patients had significant neutropenia. Of patients dying of hemorrhage, only 9% were thrombocytopenic.

Breast cancer has had a profound emotional impact on me, both during and after my treatment. In this blog post, we discussed the hidden trauma that often accompanies surviving breast cancer. We also talked about the treatments people receive for depression, including ketamine therapy. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression as a result of their battle with breast cancer, please reach out to us. We offer Ketamine treatments that can help ease the symptoms of depression and help people start living happier lives again.

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