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How PTSD Can Affect Your Job Performance

If you have PTSD, it is likely that your job performance is being affected. This is because PTSD can significantly impact a person’s ability to concentrate and focus. In addition, PTSD can cause
feelings of anxiety and isolation, which can make it difficult to interact with co-workers or customers. Fortunately, you can take steps to improve your job performance while managing your PTSD. Start by talking to your supervisor about making some adjustments to your work schedule or duties. You may also consider seeking professional help to manage your PTSD symptoms. With the right support, you can get back on track at work and continue to advance in your career. 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy focusing on the relationship
between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. CBT can be used to help people with PTSD learn how
to change their thoughts and behaviors that are contributing to their symptoms.

Exposure therapy is a type of therapy that involves gradually exposing people to the things that
they fear or avoid. This can be helpful for people with PTSD who have difficulty tolerating
reminders of the traumatic event.

Medication can also help treat PTSD. Several medications have been shown to be effective in
treating PTSD, including serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitors (SNRIs), and atypical antipsychotics.

PTSD: Top 5 signs of PTSD you need to know

  • A life-threatening event. This includes a perceived-to-be life-threatening event.
  • Internal reminders of a traumatic event. These signs of trauma typically present as nightmares or flashbacks
  • Avoidance of external reminders
  • Altered anxiety state
  • Changes in mood or thinking

Life-threatening events can happen at any time. They don’t have to be physical and they
certainly aren’t limited in number, but when you’re faced with one your environment must be
supportive of your feelings – this includes other people as well!

A life-changing experience would include more than just a scary situation: for example, violence
or sexual assault might also qualify depending on how much stress was involved (i e., degree).

Internal reminders of trauma can take many different forms. One way they show up is in
nightmares or flashbacks, which are episodes where you feel the traumatic event is happening all
over again – without any control over what happens next! These memories may also come during
typical daily life situations such as when someone reminds themselves about an upcoming
appointment by checking their watch right before heading into work.

Those with PTSD often avoid places, situations and people who could remind them about their
traumatic event. This can lead to being excessively avoiding in general or even just feeling
overwhelmed by strong emotions while walking down one street corner after work ends for
example – there may be no connection between what happens on this day versus any previous
events related through your life cycle!

Many people who experience trauma develop an altered anxiety state. They may feel on edge and look out for danger (hyper-vigilance), which boils down to them feeling more anxious than
usual with a need to be aware about possible threats in their environment or anywhere else just by seeing something unexpected happen nearby.

Someone with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sees the world as dangerous, leading todepression or sometimes the opposite behavior. The isolation caused by this mental illness makes people more likely than others behave irrationally when they have no future in mind.

The changes that occur due do PTSD are often seen through a different perspective because of
how focused on protection from danger one becomes during times where there seems little hope
left for them; thusly leading these individuals into taking risks not otherwise imaginable – even if
doing so means engaging.

PTSD can have a significant impact on an individual’s job performance. Symptoms of the
disorder can range from mild to severe, making it difficult for someone with PTSD to
concentrate, stay organized, or interact with others at work. If you are struggling with PTSD and
it is affecting your ability to do your job, contact us for help. We offer various services that can
help you manage your symptoms and improve your job performance so feel free to contact us at

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